Friday, January 30, 2009
Thursday, January 29, 2009
numero tres..
I'll be in Fells tomorrow night celebrating along with Dustin, Sean, and Amy
(who all had 21st birthdays in January)
Lindsey and Amy set everything up.
Ask me for the details.
reaaaally lagging.
this is going to be three posts in a row probably.
maybe more.
Birthday tomorrow.
Everyone give me money. Or Ralph Lauren and RVCA gear. Classy!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
I can't wait for this again.
Maybe like a used beanie, or some dog poo, or you get to spend the night in
the RSC clubhouse. Or you get to drink tea with me one day.
Monday, January 26, 2009
This Weekend.
RSC made their clubhouse, of course. Check cory's blog for some preliminary
photos of that. It's sort of a work in progress, but it's looking tight.
Sorry Lindsey, Carolann, and Lori! We were just having fun being little
Amy got drunk. Dustin drank. Lindsey was drunk. Alex was DESTROYED. Sean
sipped on some beverages. (These are his photos.)
Oh, I also went to my cousin Samantha's 16th birthday party. Epic children
dancing. Some 40 year old women almost had a titty slip.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Friday, January 23, 2009
Thursday, January 22, 2009
We have a new president!!!
knows what's up. Blackberry's, shakas, body surfing, all day everyday. Now I
just need a picture of him drinking starbucks...
It needs to get warm out so we can have rage meetings again.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
This company is maybe my new favorite
Check it out. I'm finding out how to get my hands on one ASAP.
Preferably the ghost with a boner deck.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
I hang out with pretty girls
Amy came over. We took some shots of tequila.
Saturday night Mike, Luke, Dustin, Sean, Chris, James, Sarah, Donny, Katy,
Carolann, Flake, Adam even though he left after a half hour, Ham and Lori
all came over. I had a twelver of Modelo Especial and some Heinekens
flowing. Good stuff. Mike and I won roughly 11 games of beer pong in a row.
Sum 41 was sang, skateboards rode inside.
The Ravens lost. Bummer. My birthday is coming up very soon. Everyone,
Friday January 30th. Fells Point. Let's do this.
I miss Dave, Cory, and Mikey. as I said before, LET'S DO THIS.
Ultra blog post with photos once I hit up a real internet connection.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
I'm in an all day training class.
I wish I was still in bed. Lindsey got her haircut and looks gorgeous. Grandpa turned 77. Dustin turned 21. I'm getting overtime. Changes are coming.
Tonight I need to clean the house, vacuum the steps. Take down the christmas tree. Go to bed early.
I love my girlfriend.
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Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Friday, January 9, 2009
Top 5's
1. You get pretty good at talking shit
2. Grocery store within skating distance
3. Lori's up the street, Dave's across the hood
4. Nice backyard
5. Not good is the woods for dogs to lost in.
Top 5 things you hate today, just today
1. Throwing up
2. Having a cold
3. Didn't eat anything for breakfast
4. Too wet and cold too skate
5. Work
Top 5 skaters
1. Anthony Pappalardo
2. Jason Dill, Arto Saari
3. Mike Carroll, Stefan Janoski
4. Julien Stranger, Van Wastell
5. Guy Mariano, Alex Olson
Top 5 people
1. Lindsey McDermott
2. Sean Smith,Dustin Roddy
3. Michael "Hams" Crist
4. My parents
5. Jack Leonard
Top 5 ways to sneak out of an uncomfortable situation
1. Just leave
2. Avoid it anyway
3. Start texting/wandering
4. Use a bathroom and leave from there
5. scream violently and thrasher away
Top 5 movies
1. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
2. Superbad
3. The Royal Tenenbaums
4. Control
5. Big Fish
Top 5 Bands
1. Saves The Day
2. American Football/Owen
3. The Smiths/Morrissey
4. Everything else
5. Gets old eventually
Top 5 Things about attending Catholic school
1. No thought process on what to wear
2. Got me into shaving early
3. Harassing kids seemed more badass while wearing a tie
4. old school lockers, many to fuck with
5. Cross room shouting matches with Dustin
Top 5 things about living with your girlfriend
1. Constant supply of entertainment
2. She wants to watch the same 4 movies all the time
3. She walks around naked sometimes
4. I get to cook for someone
5. She's good enough to spend forever with so, you know..
Top 5 things about having a Boston Terrier
1. She never calms down unless she's passed out
2. She likes to run while I skate
3. She's scared of everything
5. She makes the freakiest fucking noises when it's quiet
Top 5 things about living on your own
1. Nobody to fuck my laundry up
2. I pick my own dinner, Mom!
3. The nudity factor
4. Stay up so late, eating so much ice cream!
5. My friends just walk in whenever
Top 5 reasons not to ride a bike to work
1. I work 35 minutes away in a car
2. Look like a douche with windblown hair
3. One pants leg rolled
4. Where do I sit my lunch?
5. Bundling up? No thanks
Top 5 drunkstan quotes
1. "I can literally frontside flip ANYTHING right now. ANYTHING. I skate for
Baker." 1 box of wine.
2. "FUCK YOU, SPAGHETTI GIRL" Who knows how many sparks and beers.
3. "I gotta go let the golden boy in through the golden door" Entire night
of alcohol
4. "HEY, GET THE FUCK OFF MY, OH HEY DUDE!" mid screaming at security guard,
says whats up to someone he didn't even know.
5. Every word that comes out of his mouth while drunk is amazing.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
When did it all get so serious?
Note to self: large cups of coffee before a 30 maybe 40 minute car ride is NOT a good idea. You know what I mean?
Its crazy to think back on living in our first apartment verse the house. I couldn't wake up early for work without waking the dogs and Lindsey, or the dogs waking Lindsey. Now I didn't wake her up until I left and the dogs were nowhere near her. Its much easier in the morning. Life without doors was free flowing, but also one big clusterfuck of lights entering unlit rooms. To be honest I sort of miss it? Well, some aspects. I miss living in Towson. I don't miss the floor. I don't miss our landlord AT ALL. I do miss walking the dogs around the neighborhood. Mostly I miss the area, surrounding places, not so much the actual apartment.
On the way to work.
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Tuesday, January 6, 2009
To whom it may concern:
were the best two seasons of television my eyes have ever viewed. I will be
watching some episodes on DVD tonight I think. I look forward to it.
Monday, January 5, 2009
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Oh, you look so tired. Mouth slack and wide.
What's up fools? I'm trying to find a cool scarf. Not the square kind por favor but just a tight plaid that doesn't scratch my neck all weird. Nahmean?
Cory went to the beach. I'm mad jealous.
Nobody blogs anything worthwhile. My favorite blog is check it out if you never have. A wealth of info at your fngertips.
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